Monday, May 18, 2009

Crossroads, Vittal Mallya Road

So i am sitting in this office on the 5th floor at Vittal Mallaya Road and there is too much reflection on my eyes, the sun is shining straight through the crystal clear glass blinding my chances for a proper vision of what i am typing. :)

As i look down i see a continuous flow of traffic, jarring noises which pierce my brain. Its asking me permission to scramble all my thoughts..... LOL, i am getting good at this.

Sitting on the 5th floor, the world seems to pass you by, well almost, as i debate information areas for questioning customers at my company's outlets i am beginning to wonder isn't all my confusion a question of semantics? what ever happened to spontaneity? and going with the flow.. blah blah...

I have sent the stuff to my boss and repeatedly told her i am not too confident about these 'Information areas', LOL i thought i was the MBA types supposed to use these words that normal people cannot understand, now i find that experience counts in these matters, sigghhhh.. wish i could be invisible for a month, would get to see the world without a passport/visa/ Plane ticket..... :)

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